
Dave Winer, the father of modern-day content distribution, will be speaking at State of the Net 2014 next June 12-14 in Trieste.
American software developer and entrepreneur, Dave is a pioneer of the development of weblogs, Rss syndication, podcasting, outlining, content management systems and web services. Acclaimed by the New York Times as «the protoblogger», he wrote the fist blogging software and in 1997 bootstrapped the blogging revolution with his Scripting News.
He founded the software companies Living Videotext, Userland Software and Small Pictures.
Prolific writer, former contributing editor at Wired Magazine, research fellow at Harvard Law School and New York University, he is considered one of most influential voices in the web industry in the United States.
Winer is just the first of a long list of SotN’ speakers who  will speaks at the next State of the net in Trieste.

The  main theme of State of the net this year will be Smart Life.
Some think that if there ever was one, the age of abundance is over. We must make the best of what we have, leveraging the abundance of the digital world to challenge the scarcity of the analog one. The Internet is where and how we can win this bet. Our world is changing and evolving in ways we have never experienced before. You can print a replacement part for your washing machine at home with your 3D printer. You can jump in a car anywhere in the city and drop it off wherever you need. You can use an app to learn how to write software, make sourdough bread or meditate.
Come and share your experiences at State of the Net.
The – free, but still required – registration to State of the Net 2014 is now open (and we use Eventbrite, this year). Spread the word to your friends and colleagues and plan today your late spring long weekend in Trieste. It will be the best SotN show you’ve ever seen.

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