sunday specials | grilled aubergine salad



3 aubergines
2 tomatoes
2 sweet green peppers
¼ bunch persely
1 lemon
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of pepper paste
1 teaspoon of salt according to taste
½ cup of vinegar
½ cup of olive oil

Start by squeezing 1 lemon and put the lemon juice into a large bowl of water. Peel the grilled aubergines, cutt off the stalks, and place them in the water to keep theer colour, and then, cut them into finger-lenght pieces. Place the 2 grilledi peppers into the bowl of ather  so that they will peel easily, and then scrap off the peel. After taking out the seeds, cut them lenghtways into strips like the aubergines. Score 2 tomatoes and leave for 30 second in boiling water and then place in cold water. Peel and dice them. Cut 2 cloves og garlic finely and cut 1 onion in thin rings. Heat ½ cup oo olive oil and firs cook the garlic lightly. Then add the onion and sautè for a further 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook until the juice of the tomatoes has evaporated.
Gradually stir a tablepoon of pepper paste into the mixture. Add pepper and salt. Add finally the grilled auberginesend the peppers and cook for 3 or 4 minutes.
Leave it cool . Meahile prepare the dressing by mixing the juice of 172 lemon and ½ cup of vinegar. Dress the aubergines and sprinkle with some finely chopped persely.
Our grilled salad is ready to be served.

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