sunday specials | rosamaria’s almond hazelnut cake

italiano /

Today we head all the way to Napoli, hometown of my friend Rosamaria, who sent me her recipe for the famous torta Caprese. 
A well known and delicious cake which is also gluten-free and suitable for those intolerant to dairy. 

almonds, 100 g
hazelnuts, 100 g
5 eggs (separated)
cocoa powder, about 80 g (the package of 75 g is fine, too)
sugar, 200 g
1 small glas of oil
vanillin, 2 packages (of 0.5 g each)

Grind the almonds and the hazelnuts together in your food processor, then add first the cocoa powder and almost all the sugar except for 2 tablespoons, then the egg yolks, the vanillin and the oil and mix well. Beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar until they are thick and pale and very foamy. Pour the batter into a bowl and fold the egg whites in gently.
Pour the batter into a form covered with baking paper and bake in the pre-heated oven at 150°/160° C for 50 minutes. Test for doneness with a wooden toothpick.
Cool slightly before turning out of the cake tin and serve sprinkled with caster sugar.

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