sunday specials | potage de garbanzos

italiano /

The wonderful recipe I am sharing with you today comes from my Cuban friend Roberto:  potage de garbanzosEasy and very yummy!

Ingredients for 6-8 persons:

500 grams dry chickpeas (or two cans of precooked chickpeas)
1 onion
1/2 red bell pepper
4 garlic cloves
100ml extra virgin olive oil
150ml tomato sauce (passata di pomodoro)
2 spicy sausages (‘chorizo’)
150g smoked ham
a handful of olives
a handful of cherry tomatoes
oregano, salt and black pepper


If you use dry chickpeas you will need to soak them in cold water with a pinch of baking soda for at least 10-12 hours or according to the instructions on the package. Drain and rinse well.
Put the chickpeas and the cut spicy sausage in a pressure cooker, add the double quantity of water. and cook for 45 minutes after the steam starts venting.
Cut the onion, the red pepper and the garlic into small pieces. Cut the cherry tomatoes and the olives in half. For the sofrito, fry the onion first with the smoked ham for about 5 minutes, add the garlic and the pepper and fry for additional 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes, the olives and the tomato sauce and continue frying for another 5 minutes. Season to taste with black pepper and oregano.
Add the sofrito mixture to the chickpeas and add salt to taste. Cook for another 20 minutes without pressure.
Switch off and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar.
Leave for 5 minutes and serve.
The soup can also be allowed to cook a little longer, uncovered, for a thicker stew, and can be served over rice.

Any leftover soup may be frozen and reheated by adding some water or broth.


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